Saturday, October 9, 2010

MSP Prayer and Prayer for Fil- MIssion Vocation

MSP Prayer
almighty and ever loving father, we thank you for the
gift of faith that you implanted in our hearts. We praise
and thank you for calling us to share this faith to all.

We ask you to bless the people in our homeland, specially
our benefactors and love-ones. Bless our society and all its members
as we offer ourselves, to spend and be spent in love and gratitude,
 with joy in our respective assignments.

Lord Jesus, our bread of life and the word of God
shape our lives and in the Holy Spirit empower us in our mission.

O Mary, do accompany us in our journey to grow in holiness. Amen.

Prayer for MSP Vocation

Father, you willed that all people be save and come
 to the knowledge of your truth. inspire our homes
become seedbeds of missionary vocation, by their constant prayer
and quality of their Christian life.

Bless our Fil-mission seminarians with proper
motivation and with the fervent resolve to follow
you unreservedly.
Watch over our Fil-missioners in the missions.
In times of difficulty
may they find strength in doing you will.

Be gracious to all benefactors and friends of Fil-mission.
May you, who cannot be outdone in generosity reward them
a hundred fold. Finally, bestow Your choicest
blessings on the Mission
Society of the Philippines and all its members.
May they remain steadfast
in their missionary vocation. All this we ask to you father,
through Christ our Lord, Amen

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