Sunday, October 10, 2010

Contraception Is Intrinsically Evil

Morality is not relative to each and every one of us. There are actions that are considered as morally acceptable (good) or morally unacceptable (evil) because moral absolute exist. The morality of an action does not depend on its outcome but on the nature of the act itself. Take for example, the summary killing of criminals; the outcome might be for the benefit of all but it is unacceptable because the act itself of killing a human being regardless if he is an innocent civilian or a criminal is morally evil. In like manner contraception is condemned because it is intrinsically evil. The use of artificial contraception deviates from the natural purpose of the human reproductive system. Anatomically the human reproductive system is built for conceiving and development of the human fetus, the coital function of the human reproductive system is only secondary. By the use of artificial contraception the coital function of the reproductive system has become its primary purpose hence deviating from its natural design. Artificial contraception deliberately prevents conception which is contrary to the Divine will, that every marital act must be open to the transmission of life. A good tree bears good fruit, and a bad tree bears bad fruit. And since the use of artificial contraception is intrinsically evil it then will lead to moral anarchy and demolition of the moral virtues of our society. People asked for artificial contraception for various reasons and one of them is to prevent unwanted pregnancies, and if artificial contraception failed they will then ask for the legalization of the so called “safe abortion”. Contraception and abortion is inseparable because the fall back of failed contraception is abortion. Both of these moral evil is a standard banner for expressing the universal hatred towards the human life and its supreme author, God.

Contraception Promotes


According to Sigmund Freud, “It is a characteristic common to all perversions, that in them reproduction as an aim is put aside. This is actually the criterion by which we judge whether a sexual act is perverse if it departs from reproduction in its aims and pursues the attainment of gratification independently” (Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis, 1952, page 226). There are two important points that we can learn from this statement made by Freud. First, sexual act apart from the aim of reproduction is perverse and secondly this is the criterion for knowing whether a sexual act is perverse or not. Co-relatively the used of contraception fits perfectly to the statement of Freud. Through contraception reproduction is set aside therefore a marital act between a married couple that is not open to the transmission of life is an act of perversion. However it does not end here, this is only the tip of the ice burg. The used of contraception creates a mentality that a sexual act is a physiological need hence promiscuity among the youth is rampant and cases of adultery and concubinage is on the rise. This is an erroneous understanding of what a physiological need is; physiological need is the acquisition of elements (food, water, oxygen etc.) that contributes to the proper functioning of the organs in the body. Without food water and oxygen our organs will cease to function and eventually leads to death. Hence these elements are a physiological need. On the other hand sexual act cannot and can never be a physiological need because with or without it our body can still function properly and can still continue to live. Very clearly contraception contributes and leads to perversion. This is only one of the negative effects of contraception if promoted in the society. In order to save our society from moral bankruptcy we must vigorously prevent its promotion.

What They Don’t

Tell You About Contraception!

While some health care professionals barrage their listeners with the effectivity and efficiency of artificial contraceptions, there are a lot of things that they do not inform their clients. By the act itself of not properly informing them is already a violation of their right, the right to be fully informed. It is necessary for these anti-life health professionals to either not to inform the people about the adverse effects of various artificial contraceptions or to water down its destructive effect to the body of the user, because to tell them these things is synonymously informing them that artificial contraception is poison. In recent studies the contraceptive pill has been proven to cause cancer and CVA (stroke). In one comprehensive study conducted in Britain women who have been taking oral contraceptive pills has a 74% chance of developing breast cancer. This is no longer a matter for academia but this is already alarming and the only solution for this problem is to stop the promotion of pills. Governments all over the world persecute those who sell and used narcotic drugs because it is detrimental to the health and wellness of the people. On the other hand oral contraceptive pills are also detrimental to the health and wellness of the people hence it should also be prohibited to public distribution. The intrauterine device (IUD) is not contraception in the proper sense because it does not prevent conception. Rather it induces abortion by causing inflammation to the uterine wall of the woman making it inhospitable for implantation of the fertilized egg which will eventually lead to abortion. Think of it how many babies a woman using IUD may have aborted unknowingly? Now you know what they don’t tell you about contraception, so are you still going to take your daily dose of poison? Or be an automatic abortion machine?

Contraception Solution To Poverty?

Think Again!

Anti-life groups argued that we are in poverty because of our ballooning population, and as a solution they proposed the promotion of various artificial contraceptive methods to lessen our population. However they wrongly equate population with poverty since it can be statistically proven that there is no causative relationship between population and poverty. Our current population is 97.9 million and 40% of the population is in poverty compare that with the people’s republic of China wherein their population is 1.3 billion and only 10% of its population is in poverty. Also with India their population is 1.1 billion and only 25% of its population is in poverty.
Country Population % in Poverty
Philippines 97.9 million 40%
China 1.3 billion 10%
India 1.1 billion 25%
This is only a partial sample, wherein it evidently shows that there is no causative relationship between population and poverty. If the anti-life group assertion is right then China and India should have a higher percentage of population in poverty than Philippines. But how do these two countries manage to have a lower poverty level in spite of a ballooning population? What they did is that they capitalized with their population, reduce corruption and promote good governance. Evidently contraception is not the solution to poverty as a matter of fact some countries in Africa almost used all kinds of contraception yet their population is still on the rise and they are still in poverty. The solution to poverty is good governance and reduction of corruption.

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