Friday, October 8, 2010

Dear Fellow Catholic,

A news item in Philippine Daily Inquirer on October 6, 2010, front page, said:

A group composed of Catholics yesterday expressed support for the passage of reproductive health (RH) law and disagreement with the bishops' opposition to it.
Dr. Edelina de la Paz, national coordinator of the Catholics for RH Movement, stressed that her group was not against the Church.
"We remain faithful to the Catholic Church, but we strongly disagree with the bishops."

Please DO NOT BE FOOLED by this group. The Philippine bishops are not acting apart from the Church. They act as one with the Pope (bishop of Rome) and ALL the bishops in the world. BothCatechism of the Catholic Church (the "constitution" of the Church) and the Code of Canon Law (the "by-laws" of the Church) explicitly says this.

CCC #877: "Every bishop exercises his ministry from within the Episcopal college (of bishops), in communion with the bishop of Rome, the successor of St. Peter and head of the college."
Canon #330: "Just as, by the decree of the Lord, Saint Peter and the rest of the Apostles form one College, so for a like reason the Roman Pontiff, the successor of Peter, and the Bishops, the successors of the Apostles, are united together in one.

Artificial contraception is prohibited in CCC #2370 and #2399.

Every faithful Catholic is enjoined to trust the 2000-year old wisdom of the Church which as survived countless heresies because Jesus promised to be with His Bride until the end of time.
Canon #752 tells us: "A religious submission of intellect and will is to be given to any doctrine which either the Supreme Pontiff or the College of Bishops declare upon a matter of faith or morals. Christ's faithful are therefore to ensure that they avoid whatever does not accord with that doctrine."

One simply CANNOT be faithful to the Catholic Church and go against her bishops because they are not two separate things.

The fake 'catholic' group is even raising funds for the legal defense of Carlos Celdran, the RH activist who violated the sanctity of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. There just is NO WAY this group can pretend to be "faithful to the Catholic Church" and defend the desecrator of Catholicism's holiest rite and sacrament.

Dear brother and sister Catholic. Let us get this straight in our head: Hatred for priests and bishops (regarding their anti-RH stand) equals 
hatred for the Church which equals hatred for God. It is God who prohibits artificial contraception and the Church is simply carrying out her mandate to preserve and propagate the Word of God.

Right in the very first book of the Holy Bible, in Genesis 38:1 - 10, Onan was the first recorded man who availed of artificial contraception, the withdrawal method. Onan just wanted the pleasure of sex without the responsibility of an offspring. "What he did greatly offended the LORD, and the LORD took his life too." (Gen 38:10)

Let us remain truly faithful to the Church that feeds us the Body of Christ. God bless you!

Kindly, please forward this to friends, and post in blogs, fb, twitter and other social networks - and show the world that there are still a few of us who care to obey God and His Church. Thank you.

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