Sunday, January 12, 2014

                   The Holy Mass is the Life of the Church

In the human history, in the year 7 BC up to 33 A.D this was the time God fully redeemed his people from slavery of sin. When Mary and Joseph chosen by God as protector of His only begotten Son   our Lord Jesus Christ. 

Our Lord Jesus Christ has no other mission and intention which was to obey His father's will. to save all humanity from the bondage of sin. But in what manner that our Lord Jesus Christ will save us? in the old testament the Jews will offer the healthy Lamb and offer the blood to the temple as a form of sacrifice.(Genesis 8:20).

Our Lord becomes a lamb in 1 Peter 1:19 says that "But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb unspotted and undefiled.' (Douay translation). He become a living sacrifice of the entire humanity he humble himself and obey the will of the father almighty which was being destroy by our first parents.

"The Holy Mass is the holiest thing we have here on earth. Why? Because it is the action of Christ. The main thing in the Mass is not what is read from the Holy Scriptures, even though this is the word of God and should be listened to as such. The main thing in the Mass is not what the priest preaches in his sermon nor what the people do or sing. The main thing is what Christ does. And what does Christ do in the Holy Mass? He offers himself for us, as he offered himself on the Cross. He sacrifices himself for us. That is why we say that the Mass is the same Sacrifice as that of the Cross renewed in an unbloody manner on the altar. On the altar just on the Cross, Christ offers his body and blood for us. The difference is that on the Cross his body and blood were visible to the eyes of those who were present, while in the Mass they are hidden under the appearances of bread and wine. But they are really present. This is the great fact. In each Mass, Christ is really present and renews the Sacrifice of the Cross."

It is truly indeed that the holy mass is Christ action. Without the Holy mass we are all nothing for there is no direct reconciliation from the father. When Christ says " DO this in MEMORY OF ME" Luke 22:19 the first word "DO" means to perform an action. what action? 1 Cor. 11:23 For I received from the Lord that which I also delivered to you, that the Lord Jesus in the night in which He was betrayed took bread; 24and when He had given thanks, He broke it and said, "This is My body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of Me."…

This is the action that He want us to remember during the Holy Mass. He hope that everyone of us during the Holy mass will remember how he redeemed us from our sins. That some day I and you, will realized that God died for us on the cross thousands of years ago. In the the Mount of Calvary our Lord died on the cross alone but in the Holy sacrifice of the mass he is not alone anymore. We are not an expectator of the mass just like watching a drama or in an orchestra but we are all participants of the sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ. 

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