Monday, January 10, 2011


Is it really that the church about to fade to his teaching?

Many extreme Catholics are criticizing the church after the implementation of the Vatican two.
if that is so who are the real Catholics? those people who are continuing cursing the Pope?
Many are claiming that they are but as a matter of fact they called our church today as a church of satan, now who are catholic?

To help our church in defending the truth is one of the most pious work. The persecution of the church was not over since time in memorial. But there are many difference or distinction about the ancient persecution and the modern and contemporary time. The persecution of our church today is not about killing but distorting, creating confusion and division inside the church. aside from these reality there are protestants who are continue to persecute our beloved mother church.

Injecting more liberalism and democracy inside the church which really chaotic situation in our time. Trying to change the form of government inside the church from hierarchy to democracy which Jesus design it when He established His own church Mt. 16:18 through the foundation of Peter which our first Pope. Not valuing the chained of command  as will as the vow of obedience to the Pope.

One day when I went to the church in Davao City the priest who celebrate the mass give homily about the implementation of the dress code with his parish. I was discourage when he said, " I read one of the comment inside the suggestion box asking for the implementation of the proper dress code. Here is my reply, I do not forced to implement this although there is a teaching in our church, because it will cause only an headache of mine. What is important is your relationship with God.

Look at the mindset of this priest, he is using on his own opinion, he is not promoting what is really the teaching of the church. The church is not ordinary place. it is the house of God and He know it very well I presumed because he Is the priest. The church is not a supermarket like that. It is the house of the Kings of All Kings we must bend our knees and showing our modesty before the Lord. AmenKindle Wireless Reading Device, Wi-Fi, Graphite, 6" Display with New E Ink Pearl Technology

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